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Avigdor (Victor) Yimiyahu was married to Bertha Bach. They lived in Poznan, in those days under Prussian rule. His son, Moritz Yirmiyahu became a successful businessman and the owner of a brick factory located in the Poznan Area. The factory was under family management till 1939 when the German Nazi invasion reached Poznan. The last manager was Dr. Ishayahu Kobliner, who was married to Klara, Moritz' daughter. Being a proud Prussian Jew and wanting to increase his business Moritz decided to change his last name to Victor. 


The name of the Cegla family is a unique surname and traces back to Polish roots meaning brick in English.
David Mordechai Cegla, 1878 – 1959 married Rebecca, Rivka, 1884-1939, was born in Jedwabue a small town in Poland but settled in Fulda, Germany being the slaughterer (Shochet) of the Jewish community of Fulda. They had three sons: Yehuda Cegla, 1907 – 1977, born in Fulda, Wolf (Willi) Cegla, 1909 – 2000, born in Jedwabue, during a family holiday and Abraham ( Aba) Cegla, born in Fulda.

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